Have you ever found yourself in a situation where what you've built doesn't quite align with your customer's expectations? It's a common challenge in product development: what's delivered by your team might not always align with customer expectations, causing ripples in timelines and straining relationships. So, how can we avoid this scenario? Here are some strategies: 📋 Requirements Workshops and Scope Freeze : Schedule dedicated sessions with stakeholders to deep dive into requirements. Refine and agree on clear, concise goals and a tentative timeline. Once both parties are aligned, finalize the scope and lock it in. 🗺️ Create Workflows and Sequential Steps : Visualize your project with flowcharts and diagrams. Collaborate on workflows and sequential steps with stakeholders. Most project management tools offer visual aids, or you can explore options like Asana or Google Drawing. 💻 MVP, Prototype, Reviews, and Demo : Validate your progress through minimum viab
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